понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

down high ontario school water yearbooks

I love this season.

i havenapos;t been taking any pictures lately. I probably should.. I really miss it. And i just remember one year ago being so much better than where iapos;m at now. I miss last year. I hope 09apos; is amazing. I will finally be 21, and halfway to my degree (maybe more than half, i donapos;t know haha) but i can feel it, and itapos;s telling me that 09apos; will bring many new great things and challenges into my life. I gotta grow up and stop being so afraid of everything, though.

iapos;m supposed to be hanging out with ravyn tomorrow after my classes and who knows what we will do but i really want to go to capitol hill or queen anne. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed pictures. And i neeeeeeeed to see my friend whom i have not seen in forevaaa i love youuu ravyn lucky betch turns 21 in 6 days

i miss old friends, and wish things could be how they once were. But iapos;ll never get those days back. So i must move on and meet new people. I want to make new friends. I hate being shy because i never meet anybody that way.. But thereapos;s this girl in my math class and i was talking to her today and she seems pretty rad. Sheapos;s from poland. And she lives downtown seattle. She said itapos;s crazy haha. My brother lives down there, too.
down high ontario school water yearbooks, down high low up way, down high low up, down high leonardtown lock school.

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