понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dump truck tires

I am barely awake. I am making an effort to be more awake. 3 spotty hours of sleep will do that. I really am trying to sleep a little more med free. I am out of the stuff to and was stupid and did not refill my stuff Saturday. Gah. Steven takes the same thing, but I figured I should try again. I am bad insomniac. My mind hates me at night. It does not shut up. Itapos;s horrible. So I take a prescribed tranquilizer. >_> Gah. I have too many hamster babies. Double gah. I would like to hit the sack right now wearing Brendonapos;s hoodie. Weapos;ve been together almost a year. Well, just go ahead and count it a year. I am happy. Very happy.

I miss my friends, though. I have not seen and hung out with any of them for so long. I feel lonely for friends. UGA just makes me feel more adrift.
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